Monday, June 20, 2005

Cowboy Eric Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Full Weekend

Another weekend update - this one MUCH COOLER (by temp, that is). Eric & I had a "date night" on Friday. We saw the Shark Boy movie (really not bad either), had a quick dinner, did some shopping and then shared some ice cream. Good way to end the work week for me!

There were TWO birthday parties to attend Sat., the first one for a classmate that was 'fish themed' including real live fishing at North Park (but we caught none this time). The latter was at our friend's house filled with many familiar faces, lots of good food, games and activities with a Madagascar (jungle animal) theme. There was a 'duck duck goose' type game that involved catching a tail instead (as you can see Jess ready to 'pounce').

For Father's Day, after a big Eat n' Park breakfast enjoyed by all, we headed to Kennywood and the rest of my family from Erie joined us. The boys had lots of fun and it wasn't too crowded or hot. My posted pictures are all out of order but I'm sure you can figure what goes with what as described. The kids were asleep about 2 minutes after getting in the car on the way home so we had a calmer evening leading to bedtime to wrap up the weekend. That's our (briefly summarized) scoop!

Chase the Tail! Posted by Hello

Fun with friends Posted by Hello

Fish Heads? Posted by Hello

Larry, Grammy & the 3 Boys Posted by Hello

Father & Son Center Stage Posted by Hello

Fun for all :) Posted by Hello

Danglin' Posted by Hello

Garfield & Eric Posted by Hello

Joy Riding Posted by Hello

Greeted Upon Arrival Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Party at the Park

Now well into June, the heat is on...REALLY!!! We went to a reception for some of our ballooning friends up north on Sat. We took an hour boat tour around the lake, ate, saw a barn owl close up, played awhile and went fishing. As you can see in the pictures, the boys did well. Eric caught the first and the biggest one just after he put his line in the water. He brought it in on his own too. It wasn't long after that and Jesse caught a little one too. He was more interested in touching it and throwing it back than the process of catching a fish. It was a VERY HOT day, but it was nice and we were on our way home before the rain made its way to us.

We had a church picnic today and the boys went (water) sliding out front and then swam in the neighbors pool. That kept them cool and again wore us all out. We ended the evening with Eric's new favorite card game, War. Jesse plays but doesn't really consider it any sort of battle - he usually prefers the physical kind!?! Eric starts VBS at the church tomorrow a.m. and it's back to work tomorrow already as the time seems to fly by. We hope you are enjoying the warmth, but staying cool too!

Hugged UP! Posted by Hello

Tired OUT! Posted by Hello

Got one too! Posted by Hello

Go fish! Posted by Hello

Pig Roast Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Sun Fun :) Posted by Hello


Hahaha - OF COURSE, if it's a PET!!! Jon and I were treated again to more "us time" as Larry swung by Friday afternoon from his own vacation down in VA and took the boys up to my Mom's. We got to attend a Pirates game in my company's box suite which was SWEET! Mostly because an incredible dessert cart, but a winning game, cooperative weather and great company (management and co-workers) as well.

The boys had a fun time up with my Mom and Larry too. Appparently Mom got some half sand/half water contraption out and need I say more? Our boys + our nephew Joey. She reiterated several time yesterday that it will be "JUST SAND" going forward...hmmm, I can only imagine.

Anyway, getting back to our new addition. Jon & I drove up north (and out in the country) to my cousin's camp. They had a graduation party for their second child. This is one of the first boys I babysat when I was young. Not only that, but the oldest child which was the one I watched the most just graduated from Penn State too!?! WOW! Anyway, they have a big pond and lots of woods. While Joe & Jess were busy throwing as many rocks as they could in the pond and Eric was off with cousin Jacob (born 5 days after him, if you might recall), I looked down and saw what I thought was one of Eric's plastic animals. In reaching down, it moved ever so slightly and I was like WOW - it's real! I quickly recruited Jon to pick it up and we found a cup to put it in and "deliver" to Eric. We hid him after awhile as to "preserve his captivity" which sounds harsher than our intentions. Eric was THRILLED and very thankful. The "merge" of this red-spotted newt (quickly identified through an internet search) and Toady happened after we got our sleeping kids in bed last night. They looked each other nose to nose and moved around quite a bit, but it seemed to go well. Then, I come downstairs early this a.m. and Toady's in the shell for his morning bath. I look closer and there's the newt too! How funny is that so we think it's a good match. They have a similar diet too so we're hopeful the arrangement will work out. He's more of an orange fellow than red but kind of cute. We are suprised how much Eric's plastic animals actually look like live creatures (rather than vice versa!). SO, that's the most recent scoop with us - quite the entourage!!!

FRIENDS (already)!!! Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 04, 2005

A new pet/friend!?! Posted by Hello