Friday, September 16, 2005

And So It Begins!

While up until now it has mostly been Missy and I keeping us busy with church related obligations and activities that is all about to change. The time has come for the boys to start filling our family schedule (or at least one of them). Last night Eric and I went to an informational meeting for a Cub Scout Pack that serves the area including his school. Eric was very excited to see a classmate (Ben) there and Ben seemed equally glad to see Eric. They sat together during the meeting and eagerly discussed all of the neat things they had displayed as samples of items to be earned through the program. They were quite cute as they talked about the uniforms, crafts and activities and what they thought about all of this.

At the conclusion of the meeting we officially signed up. Eric is now a “Tiger Scout” which is the youngest level (for first graders). At that level he must have a parent partner sign up with him. It didn’t take too much arm twisting to get me to sign up too! He jumps right into things with a picnic/fishing derby for new scouts Monday and his first meeting the following week.

Oh, and they will also be starting their (only) fund raiser soon, which is selling popcorn! Hope you’re hungry!

Monday, September 12, 2005


The boys RACED upstairs to brush their teeth and go to bed tonight - all after me saying "last one up is a rotten egg!" Jesse jumped for joy when he got to the top of the steps and exclaimed "I'm the rockin' egg!!!" Who could be disappointed in having that designation?!?

He also seems to think that "Winnie the Pooh" is named "Pinny" and was very happy to sing "Happy Birthday to Me" several times this evening. 9 days away and the celebration has already begun!?!

I was very proud of Eric, he read two books to his brother all on his own. It was sweet, although he asked for a third one, his request was denied by the kind first grader.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

?Labor? Day Posted by Picasa

Crownover Cousins (the new generation) Posted by Picasa


The only real "Labor" we really had over that holiday weekend was making ice cream together as a family on that Monday which you can see in the picture above. Many scoops of reward were had by all too. Our first fall trip out to central PA was a very nice long weekend. Everyday was a picnic (literally), beautiful weather dominated and we were surrounded by family much of the time. These three things don't happen all that often, let alone all occur simultaneously as it did over this weekend. We all are fortunate and very thankful for all of this and certainly those that enabled it.

Unlike last weekend, this weekend we 'split up'. Eric and Jon parted for central PA again for another round of Penn State football (the first game for Eric), while Jesse and I stayed back home. The two of us have played games, put together alot of puzzles, made breakfast together (he knows how to make excellent scrambled eggs), went shopping and took in some community festivities. So that's our scoop for now - at least HALF of it!