Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cozy friends :) Posted by Picasa

Santa Jesse!?! Posted by Picasa

SAY CHEESE! Posted by Picasa

Getting as tall as Grandma Posted by Picasa

Cuddlin' with Grandpa Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas! Posted by Picasa

Many Unanswered Questions

Jesse is at that age where he has LOTS of questions. Some of them posed recently include "Are angels real?" and "Why do we have fingernails?" On Christmas morning, it was also VERY important for him to know who each gift he picked up was FROM as well as for. BEFORE he opened each gift, he also made a point to thank whoever gave something to him. He was not feeling up to par battling a cold and was also impaired with his wrapped up right arm, but really seemed overwhelmed although quite delighted through the day.

The family-friendly Christmas Eve service ran a bit long but the boys did pretty well. Eric got to open a present which had Joseph in it as part of the children's sermon/story. However, when he returned to us, he told us that he had Moses in his box. He also followed along with the readings in the bulletin, chuckling at some parts of the excerpts (we could tell he was paying attention). He belted out the Christmas tunes quite loud also (as he really likes reading...even hymns!). Jesse's favorite song was "Joy to the World" (because he can read all of those words and knows a jazzed up VBS version). Before the service was over, Jesse came across an eyelash that he wanted to make a wish as he let it go. He caught us all off guard when he said that he wished that Grandpa Bob could be here with us. Jesse knows and will tell you that he melts my heart and it is because of moments like those. Merry Christmas (it was for us and we hope for you as well).

OUR Gifts Posted by Picasa

My own DRUM and drumsticks! Posted by Picasa

Look what I got, Grammy! Posted by Picasa

Robo Reptile!!! Posted by Picasa

Look...Santa came! Posted by Picasa

Children's Choir Christmas Eve Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Good Performances

I'm happy to report a very good day. Jesse started off the morning singing his heart out on his final preschool day for 2006. There's no doubt he's got the music in him and they were wonderful. A surprise visit from Santa followed and we even got a nice Christmas gift in winning a family membership to a really cool place:
In the afternoon, we went to see the Gingerbread Caper at Eric's school. This was a very cute, musical performance by those second graders who can really belt out some tunes too. The best news of the day was to hear that Grandpa's surgery went well. We are grateful for good performances, healthy recoveries, the day off of work, school being out (almost, for the rest of the year) and family time. BLESSINGS!

Good Job, Brother! Posted by Picasa

Here I Am! Posted by Picasa

#1 Baker Posted by Picasa

Santa Talk Posted by Picasa

Cutie Pie Posted by Picasa

Preschool Performance Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Angie & Aunt Missy Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Family Holiday Gathering Posted by Picasa

Precious Girl! Posted by Picasa

Cousin Review Posted by Picasa

Santa Visit Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006

2 Yr Old Polar Bear Party & Welcome  Posted by Picasa

Zoo Santa Visit Posted by Picasa