Monday, March 27, 2006

A Little Carried Away! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Okay, not really...but it has been a long time since we posted here, so we must have SOME excuse, explanation, or story...right? As you can see from the pictures, when we go bananas, we end up making cupcakes with them...& then eat them or sometimes just eat the frosting/icing because it tastes even better!!!

We've been quite busy and it was WINTER (not anymore though!). I thought we were supposed to hibernate... oh no, that's bears & that is what Jesse learned about in his latest zoo class. He is excited to "go to school" and enjoys the programs and then getting to hang out and walk around the zoo with Daddy.

Eric and I took an early spring break and spent the weekend with our buddy, "Aunt Sue" which was fun. We played the game of Life (Sponge Bob version) and Eric quickly learned he could win at the game of life by having his choice career of Ice Cream Vendor.

Jesse spent his early spring break up in Erie with Grammy. He got to see and play with his cousin Joe and had lots of fun visiting too.

So that is our quick catch up for now as we hope to SPRING into warmer weather soon. Keep smiling...that might help warm things up!!!

Jesse @ Zoo School Posted by Picasa

There's your answer! Posted by Picasa

Eat or work? Posted by Picasa