Sunday, September 10, 2006


I thought it might SURPRISE you that I put a bunch of pictures out there from the past month or so. They are really not in order either but still wanted to share some of the captured moments from our busy summer. It's hard to believe school is back in session but knowing how busy things get, I snagged the chance to post a bunch now.

Jesse starts school on Tuesday and this is Eric's first full week. Both are enthused as well as Daddy knowing he's finally going to have a couple of hours to himself most days too. Sunday School started back up today too so it seems everything is in full gear and on schedule again.

Well, it's nearly bedtime and we have school and work tomorrow so time to sign off. Enjoy the pictures and we'll try to catch up more soon (maybe we'll get things in order one of these days..haha).

SURPRISE! Posted by Picasa

1st Day - SECOND GRADE!!! Posted by Picasa

Tree Reading Posted by Picasa

Team Croquet Posted by Picasa

Afterflight Celebration Posted by Picasa

Sun Sailing Posted by Picasa

Fear of Flying? Posted by Picasa

Stream Strollers Posted by Picasa

Summer fun! Posted by Picasa

Looking up to Larry :) Posted by Picasa

Dog Buds Posted by Picasa

Cousins! Posted by Picasa

Things are looking up :) Posted by Picasa

HOW SWEET!!! Posted by Picasa

MORE than we bargained for!?! Posted by Picasa