Saturday, January 27, 2007

TWO Funny

Before I forget - two kids, two funny stories to share....

Last evening we went out to dinner at Red Lobster...their FAVORITE place (although they really only eat cheese sticks and bread....but then again, maybe that is why!?!). Anyway, Eric makes the statement "This is like heaven." So we pursued this angle and asked him for more description of what would be in heaven. Along with several other mentions, he tells us that "Daddy is there, but he's in a cage." Obviously not what Jon was envisioning, but I could see their point and agreed by the time we were done with dinner :) At least he's thinking he'll make it there.... and by the way, according to Eric, I will be there also and I am NOT in cage so some of you may want to beware - haha!

Later on, Jesse and I decide to play Battleship. As he is getting one of the cases out (yes, with the zillion little pieces), I ask him if he needs help. He replies to me "No, it's a piece of cake." Then, as he begins to struggle in trying to get it open, he informs me "Well, it's a hard piece of cake." I asked him if he knew what "it's a piece of cake" means and he quickly responds "Yes, it's E-Z" so he obviously does know when he's talking about and anyway, hard cake is not always that bad, right? :)