Friday, July 27, 2007

FOUR Generations with Grandma Gen!

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Webkinz...Fluff Ball... a favorite gift!

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No time like the present(s)!

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Where the party's at!

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Munchkin Mania!

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Baby Angie (only niece)!

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Not wasting any time!

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Cake time!

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Eric & the Okapi B-day Cake (by Jon)

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Eric's Eight!

So, here we are at the END of July already and what a busy month it has been. It's no wonder that it flew by....AND we now have an 8 year old!?! No more booster (car) seat for our growing-up-too-fast eldest son. It was (again) a beautiful day for his picnic party and it was good to have so many great family and friends to celebrate with.

Today is my day to be a stay-at-home Mommy and it's even a little bit easier on me as Jon and Eric are at scout camp. Unfortunately, the forecast has been for MUCH RAIN the whole time they are away so we expect the damp campers back on Sunday. Jesse and I have a fun day planned so we must get to it!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sailin' into Summer

June is already over so I figured I better take some time to sum it up! Earlier this month, Jon and Eric took his friend Ryan to his first Pirate game. Jesse stayed home with Mommy that day but later got the chance to go to an evening game in the company "luxury suite/box". His night was capped off with a huge bag of m&ms from the infamous dessert cart and all was good (and they even WON!).

As Eric wasn't finished with school until mid-June, they had a family event for Author's Day in the library where they shared their own stories. Eric did a great job proudly telling all about his exciting life. Remind us and you can read his book sometime. The price is $10K so if we sell the one and only, we should be set! His huge dinosaur project has found a home in their library. Jesse should get to see it at "his school" which he will be soon be attending in the afternoon starting this fall. He'll get to ride the big yellow school bus home with Eric which he has been awaiting for years now. At this point, we don't think he could be more ready!

It was a fun time and nice timing that reunited some old friends while others quickly became new friends over a weekend. It was also quite a treat to do so at a new residence that included an indoor pool and bar (equipped with karaoke and disco ball) which was quite a dream house. My Godchild who is now 14 and her family came out from eastern PA to pay us a visit. We also took a sightseeing tour on the Gateway Clipper for a nice glimpse of the city.

Finally, we arrive at this past week where we wrapped up a week of evening VBS. Jon did the storytime and I tried to whip up enough energy to assist in this task. Although it was a hot, rainy and exhausting week, the kids had fun and put on a great song and dance show. As we couldn't have asked for a nicer day, Saturday we decided to hit Kennywood which was much fun too. Eric has become quite the brave soul with the coasters and such, while I still appreciate hanging out in kiddieland with my Jesse who will surely outgrow this area soon enough. Eric and I did get stuck on one ride but we safely completed our very wet Pittsburgh Plunge.

July started off with the local parade on what again was a spectacular day. While Jon and Eric walked with the scouts, Jesse pursued sugar loot and had fun waving to all the participants. Although we have been in the area for many years, this was our first time in attendance which went well too.

By the calendar, July looks to be another month that will probably whiz on by that seems to be chalked with travel. I will again be traveling to Charleston in another week for work and the boys have scout camp then at the end of the month. Eric has made a point to inform all how many days his birthday AND party are now that we're in "his month." More hopefully soon as...the countdown has begun!

Sideline participants

Parade Participants

Prepped for the Parade

Huddling up!

A sugar rush!

Sugared up?

Our Young Whippersnapper!

The Lil' Phantom

Speed Racer!

Flyin' High!

Squeezin' the Kennywood Kanga

Sailin' Crazy!

More fun at Kennywood

...with a happy ending/landing!

The Log Jammer

The After Party

The Grand Finale!

Movin' it!

Swinging it!

Care About Each Other (song)