Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jesse's First Game

It was a big weekend for Jesse. Friday started off with a Kindergarten Teddy Tea that Jon was also able to attend. That evening, we went to some friends' house for a hayride party which was a lot of fun too. With Jon feeling a bit under the weather, we ended up making alternate arrangements for the Penn State Homecoming weekend. Jesse and I drove out in the morning, went shopping, got some traditional Creamery ice cream and tailgated with our friends to "experience Penn State." He was in awe to see just HOW PENN STATE that place is! What a very crowded blue and white world! It was fun with him cheering, taking pictures and enjoying the game. He is a very cute fan and his enthusiasm was appreciated by many. It wore him out and he slept much of the way home. Fortunately, traffic was not a problem out or back - making for a long, but still a very good and special Saturday :) Wisconsin didn't badger us...oh, was that too cheesy?? :)

Lion All Around

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Walking the Line

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Shadowing a Lion

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Lion out of the gate!

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Lions don't eat cheese!

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Floating Cam View

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Joe's too cheesy?!

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A Lion's Roar!

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Tellin' Daddy all about it!

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Here's Penn State BlueBeary too!

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Here I Am!

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A Great Tailgate!

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A Tail??!!

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A Lion Sized Chair

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Little Joepa

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PSU Homecoming Bound

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A Warm-Me-Up Kiss!

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Making Teddy Patterns

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Teddy Bear Tea

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