Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

There was a lot packed in to this past weekend. Although the boys did not end up playing soccer as we originally thought they'd be doing, we took in the wonderful weather with lots of family fun. The boys played their own soccer game...boys vs. men...quite the workout, challenge and laughs :)

In the afternoon, we all went to see Night at the Museum 2 and then had a sundae fest even though it was only Saturday! We dodged the rain well on Sunday heading to the zoo. That was a fun time also...reminiscing as the kids have really grown up there...all the way back to when I was pregnant with Eric...10 yrs ago, oh my!

We headed to Station Sqaure for an afternoon dinner at Buca Di Beppo (try saying that three times fast) for lots of yummy Italian food. We checked out the new marina overlook (actually Jon ran up the stairs trying to get away what he thought was our kid(s) but turned out to be some other kid...that was quite funny) and took in a mini TV show themed water show before heading home.

Today, the boys went bike riding in the morning while I took the dogs around the circle for a walk. In the afternoon, Grandpa and Eric went to see the Star Trek movie while Grandma, Jesse, Jon and I played a round of mini golf. We only lost one ball (we think Jesse hit it into the creek) which was good and fun too.

It was nice to be together with family this long, beautiful weekend. Jon also baked, grilled and rotisseried for us all...on his new grill. The guys also rented a power tool to drill holes for a "real" fence project that has officially begun. It seems like summer has ARRIVED! Yeah :)

Bunching up at the Zoo

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Totally TUBE-ulor

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Tunnel vision can be GREAT!

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Love the big baby!

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At home at the zoo

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Making the same face

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Stop n the zoo trail

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No spoon required - HA!

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Homemade Ice Cream, Homemade Syrup....SWEET!!!

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The game turns around!?!

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Daddy on the block

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Game on!

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Eric's Performance

He has had it easy this week...missing school Monday and then they had (2 classes of) the fourth grade performance. The kids worked hard creating props, their costumes, learning their lines and practicing up for the big event. They looked great and all did very well. He also had a field trip on Thursday and he took his own pictures and notes along his nature walk and tours. Believe it or not now, they only have one full week of school left...this week they get Tuesday off, the following week they have Monday off, one more full week after that, two days and they're DONE! It's hard to believe as the weather has been playing so many games, it's not consistently getting warmer but summer is coming SOON!!!

Taking a bow

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Crackin' a smile finally

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All the animals

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The Great Kapok Tree

Eric was a jaguar that was perched there for a LONG time.
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Wedding Weekend

It was a LONG drive but we are so glad the kids are the age that they are as they handled it like champs. They did terrific for how much driving was involved and even the "change up" in schedule. Pools at hotels and cheese balls make all the difference :)

We got in Friday afternoon and squared away the tuxes. The rehearsal went well and allowed for some hangout time all together. The shower was fun with a blend of family of friends and after that, even the guys got to hang out awhile too. Wedding day started out with a splash (swimming) and some chess and more hanging out with family we don't get to see often was great to have this special occasion to do so.

It was a great day/evening for the wedding and all went well. The reception had terrific food and the d-jays kept things quite lively as the night progressed. A young girl caught the bouquet and Eric ended up catching the garter too.