Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On Guard!

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A Sword!

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Good Cake!

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So Jesse

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Make a WISH!

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A Motley Crew

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The Birthday Blaster!

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The Party Room

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I have arrived!

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Star Wars theme Cake

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Intense review

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Did Eric shrink?

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The Happy Dance (musical card)

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Just a tremendous smile!

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My Weapon!

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A Good Read?!?!

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Great Age, Great Player!

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A Published Poet!

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Lucky #7

Sunday night, Jesse churned and churned claiming he could not go to sleep. He snoozed on the way back from central PA so it is likely that "recharging" had something to do with this. He was SOOOO excited for his birthday. Eric decided to give him his gift that evening....two Star Wars figures, those that would be making an appearance the next day on another Jon's creation birthday cake (which has now become a family tradition).

His day began before 6a.m. Eric didn't even get up but he came down and started in on the gifts from us. He delighted in each one, just beaming with more excitement. We then confirmed the plan for the classroom birthday treat. They settled on Oreos and apple juice.

By the time I got home from work, the cake masterpiece was completed and we were just about ready to pack up and head north. Wildwood Highlands was the choice for his party (Chuck E Cheese like place that had more to offer in activity options). This included two games of laser tag for us all. Jesse & Eric's team beat us in the first round but Jon & I rallied our team to win the second round. It was exhausting, but very fun. Three pairs of siblings along with a few other special friends celebrated and sang Happy Birthday to Jesse. He covered his ears for this, mostly because it was a very loud and wild rendition of it.

Everyone seemed to have a good time and we were glad to get to leave and not have the responsibility for clean up, especially given it was a school night after a crazy, long day. It's hard to believe Jesse is already seven years old but it's been a fabulous journey so far and surely there is still much in store for us all. Jesse said his favorite gift was a yellow double bubble gumball machine/bank. If you know Jesse, this would come as no surprise!

Saturday, September 19, 2009