Wednesday, March 31, 2010

He finally sees us!

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Sounded GREAT!

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Taking a Bow!

Ti-joo-na Taxi

Eric's small group performance ofTijuana Taxi.
He did TERRIFIC! Grammy, Larry, "Aunt" Sandie, Jesse, Jon & I were his 2nd row groupies, cheering him on.
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Chuck-A-Duck Aftermath

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Happy Winner!

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Basket Winner!

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Mike Yeo - assistant Pens coach/guest speaker

Hockey Banquet Gifts

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Marching Off

Before we head into April, I thought I'd briefly try and catch up a bit on our site. It's been a busy month, but filled with lots of good stuff including family visits, lots of hockey, parties and bigtime scout awards. We're actually going to be heading out of town for the next couple of weekends and we're looking forward to that as well. Surely even more to come soon!

Do we look like twins?

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The DSi gave us the closest family match @ 52% - twins!?!

Birthday Blast!

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Last Little Penguins session

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Check this out!

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Eric receives his award

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Introduction to the Arrow of Light

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Jesse becomes a Bear

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Pre-Easter Egg Hunt

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Saturday, March 13, 2010


Hangin' out on the other side...the night life of some crazy fellas.
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Sunday, March 07, 2010