Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dad's Congratulatory Cigar Smoke

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Lots of food

Amazing peach cookies on that tray!
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After Party Conversation

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I was out there with the hubby too!
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Jesse's turn

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My Dance with Eric

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Joining the band
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Dancing the Night Away

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She'll always be Daddy's Little Girl

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See the mouthwash? The kids were trading complimentary amenities they found in the restrooms.
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All Smiled Out

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You never know!?!

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He thinks he's ready for coffee
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Me & My Guy

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Always in need of an Eric squeeze

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One of my very favorite pictures

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Settling in at the table

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Amazing Wedding Cake

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Reception Ice Sculpture

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Dave's turn with the flowers

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surrounded by flowers

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very sweet

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fun shot

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In the limo

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pretty sure this is not how I looked in this dress most of the time...thank goodness!
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