Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homeboy has a House Birthday Party

Can't say we were sure this was a good idea but "Director Jesse" set the date, designed and colored the invitatons, decided on the location, specified exactly what kind of cake he wanted and came up with ideas for party games.  Turns out he knew what he was doing!  Good thing :)

We had as many if not more kids as adults.  Everyone got along well and we moved from project to event for three hours while the Steelers won their game in the background.  The kids used colored cookie dough to create their own cookies.  Pin the nose on Sponge Bob was a fun challenge.  The vanilla bean ice cream with cookie dough, yellow cake and whipped cream icing was a yummy treat for all of us...great job (again),Daddy!  One of the gifts that Jesse got was make your own bouncy (super) balls and he generously shared this kit with all of his friends so they could make their own.  They loved this and we LOVED that he willingly offered to share so much.   What a terrific treasure!

It seems that learning to knit is the next project in store for us (from another terrific gift).  Jesse is hopeful we will be able to make our own hat and scarf.  He would like us to finish it by the time we'll need to wear them....let's hope that is weeks if not months away!

Bouncy Ball Makers

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Diya sees the spot she wants

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Angie's turn

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His friend Joey almost pinned Sponge Bob's nose on Jesse

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He Dizzied Himself Up Well

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Liking the presents!

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Singing Happy Birthday

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Cookie making

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Serious freeze tag

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Neat Reflection

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Jon's latest masterpiece...ICE CREAM CAKE

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Up front with new team & coach

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Our guy!

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Jesse is "drafted"

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