Sunday, November 21, 2010

Midwest in Mid-November

What a gift it was to venture out and see the newest member of our family! Jon & I were able to fly out to Omaha, NE for a short visit with Wendi, Adam and baby Addison. Meanwhile, the grandparents held down "our fort" with the boys. Our trip went well and we certainly enjoyed this family time. She is so petite, beautiful and sweet. Our trip was quite a treat!

Baby doll from Jesse

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SOOO Sweet!

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Cute as a button!

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Making smiles!

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That's a little better :)

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HELP me!

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Trying for a group shot

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No place better than in MaMa's arms

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A Sweet Treasure

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Holding a Sweet Pea

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Who's got me??

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Snugglin' with DaDa

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What a precious one!

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Race to the finish

Eric & Adhu crash and burn with their driving!
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Andrej's birthday party @ Laser Storm

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School Board Meeting

Eric was selected to be in a special ensemble that plays at special events. This time it was opening the school board meeting with the Star Spangled Banner and another piece. Kids from all the elementary schools came together and practiced for only a half hour beforehand. They did a great job!
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Saturday, November 06, 2010

Nearing November

It's actually here now, but again we're catching up on captured moments from the latter part of October. We went to visit a friend who bought a new house. Actually, we carved pumpkins there...maybe breaking it in a bit? It was a fun and productive afternoon, as you can see!

Jesse plays three cross-ice games every Saturday morning and he has been scoring like crazy...#87, same three first letters as someone else we all know!

The boys went trick-or-treating at our local mall since we had plans to be out of town for the holiday weekend. We saw Jesse in his school parade and Jon helped with Eric's party at the other school in the afternoon. As I was the lucky winner of a bowling party, we were also striking up more fun with some co-worker friends that evening.

On Saturday, we headed out for a cold, evening game at Penn State. Boy, did the team show up and play! It was exciting and kept us awake. On Sunday, we were able to gather together with much of the family, including in NE after a very nice dinner. Thank goodness for technology...and long weekends :) Monday, we leisurely made our way back through campus to see the lion and have some ice cream (oh, and cheese) before heading home.

This weekend, 'the boys' went back out that way so it is very quiet here now and this is the reason I am able to try and catch up a bit!

Trouble waiting to happen...

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He may have eaten too many carrots?

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