Monday, January 28, 2013

In the beginning...

A new year is already upon us that has been filled with lots of weather issues.  Temperatures jumping up and down play games with the roads, schedules & our health.  It's been difficult to keep up, but at the same time, the weather helps slow things down too.  We've avoided the road and traffic mess as much as possible. 

Jesse and I had a lesson in making pottery as a Christmas present too.  It was neat to actually shape something that resembles something you could find in a store.  It was not easy, so we were glad to have good instruction.  It was a fun experience and we look forward to our part two in finishing our products up.

This last week of the month is the busiest one for us with at least two activities going on every evening.  It's difficult to look forward to that, so I am instead looking forward to the following week with more space on our calendar.  Before that though, we will get to see Eric's debut in the Jr. High musical Into the Woods.  He has been working hard and dedicating ALOT of practice time to this show.  That's actually part of the equation that should help alleviate some of our busy schedule too. He should get some time back after that.

We'll hope for the best in rounding out our January.  It's hard to believe another month has already gone by but we know time doesn't stand still...ever!

Me too ;)

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The Finishing Touches

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Spongin' it

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Shaping up

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Pushing in the center with the thumbs

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Getting the feel for it

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Wet the hands

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Snow Tubing Fun: Take Two

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What goes down...must also get hauled up

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More Snow Tubing Fun

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Snow Tubing Fun

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The Big Fuzzy Group @ the Chadwick

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Marching Band Banquet...gathering of the rookies

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Grumpy Breakfast

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Let's go again...& again & again :)

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1st in heat!

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Enthusiasm after car placement

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