Saturday, November 30, 2013

Beautiful Sunset

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Where we stayed

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Cool Eagle Head formation

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Family Tree picture

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Definitely can't see this by land

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View of Indian Ruins

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Autumn colors below

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View of the Chapel

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Just lovely

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Ready for a ride

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The "rough part" of town :)
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Beautiful view in Sedona

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A glimpse of TC's school

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Arizona Adventure

We started November with a little bit of a getaway.  We flew out to Arizona and stayed at a golf resort while Grandpa took care of Cindy & Fudge for us.  We had nice weather and got meet and spend the day with Jon's great Aunt.  Most of our time was a great adventure even with time changes and different time zones in the mix.  There was a little bit of engine difficulty in Houston on the way out but they played "The Heat" (edited version) to pass the time by on the runway.  Our horse ride adventure started out much better then it ended up.   When we got to the steakhouse, Jesse got sick in the bathroom.  He and I waited there while Jon and Eric returned by horse to the stable.  By the time they got back, his allergic reaction had impacted his breathing enough that we sought help at an urgent care center. Thankfully, recovery was quick and we were all well enough to venture to Sedona and take a very exciting helicopter ride around the beautiful rock formations.

Heading to the Steak House

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Our ride for the day

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Sunset ride

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Suprised the boys with a horseback riding adventure

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Hanging out in the courtyard

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Some big chess moves by the pool

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Taking in a gorgeous resort

...& warmness in November
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The  airport departure T-Rex picture
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Grandpa has something to say/type too..

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Old school writing

Grampa brought an old typewriter with him so Jesse could give it a try.  It's funny how much it appealed to him and he typed away many pages on it.
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