Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sunday Strollin'

We went to see the Lasers of Oz show and Mysteries of the Unknown IMAX movie. 
We made a day of it hanging out while Eric completed his volunteer shift. Even for as many times that we've been there, we can always find something to check out. It was pretty neat seeing brochures on display at the main counter with their pictures also. I'm amongst the famous!

Our Dinner Party

Jon & I made food for a dinner party together.
He made the hot dishes while I put together the cold stuff. We met in the middle with serving friends lots of yummy food and treats. Afterwards, we played some board games including Fact or Crap, Telestrations & the Logo Game. It was a fun night with good company accompanied by many laughs.

More Sweet Fun Together

We also celebrated Grandpa's birthday with yummy sweet treats.
Breakfast worked well in shifts as the adults had the first round (with coffee) and then the kids joined in after sleeping in. They never need a coffee boost.

Molding Metal

We recently got to see a show that Jon spent a lot of time learning and training for.
Enduring a lot of heat, he carefully molds and 'reproduces' a shape in aluminum, describing all of the steps that must be done along the way. 

Eric's Second Winter Musical

Eric did a terrific job as a Winkie Soldier after spending many hours after school practice for the last three months.
The play moved at a fairly good clip and we enjoyed it over and over again. His friends from SHOE were very amusing as the scarecrow and lion too.