Thursday, March 27, 2014

I just can't wait to go back!!!

So many treasured memories ...
& we are so ready for the fun to begin again! Very proud of the hard work Eric is putting into marching band & choir to make their own footprint of magical music there too.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

End of the Elementary Era

I had the privilege to play with my son at his last sixth grade concert. The last number was Some Nights by Fun. They sounded terrific & it went well.

For the love of music

Band O Rama included Eric performing in Wind Symphony and Marching Band. 
Then, we witnessed his choral debut in a Disney themed concert. Our neighbor was the featured beat box for Trashin the Camp. They also sounded wonderful singing Can You Feel the Love, one of my very favorites from Lion King.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Just hanging out

That is usually quite fun with these fellas too. They act like koala bears holding on.The lower right corner was while Jess was recovering from a bad stomach bug. I didn't take the picture because he was sick, but was so relieved to see him finally sleep after many rough hours. He looked so peaceful. Next to that is my perspective of the city now. That's the Allegheny River & 6th Street Bridge so you could say it's a room with a view.

Airport Arrival

Jesse was very anxious to see Grammy. It took longer as they had to go through customs & additional security because of international travel. Eric picked Jesse up to put him on the wall as seen in the one picture. It was like Humpty Dumpty sitting high while Eric just scooted back up with his long legs.
The dogs were not alowwed to go to the airport with us, however they were very excited to see them also. It's always an adventure!

Monday, March 03, 2014

My heart goes on...

These are my sweetest treats of all & I can't get enough of them. Jon is still surprising me with romance & song. Eric is preparing for the next & final round of braces with some initial (mugshot looking) assessment pictures. Jess shows off his crazy sugar obsession after his valentine exchange/elementary school party and the devoted doggies are always there with their daily renewed enthusiasm. Who could as for anything more?

Waste line management

Eliminating the top two rows in this picture sure could help improve the WAIST line management around our house.
Let's hope for warmer weather so we're not inside as much to make so much good comfort food. We'll need to use more energy to get rid of all the extra/added calories. It's doubtful that the yummy food will go away, so we'll have to plan to work harder to work it off:)