Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cousins Hangin Aound Together

Jr High Mission Trip

This included several different assignments & type of work efforts.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Moving East

We got to meet up with friends at my company picnic at Hershey...2nd annual occasion (with friends coming in from Bangor).

We had a fun time together...even though the slow riders split from the fast riders for part of the time.
After that, Jon & his Dad flew out to IA to help move his brother's family back to PA. They played "Going To Grandma's House" game, very appropriate.
For the holiday weekend, we headed to our friends house for a fun birthday party celebration.

Then, even further east we headed to the Poconos

Lots of fireworks, and wet & wild fun to be had at this resort.
On our way back home, we stopped at a great halfway point...the PSU creamery for ice cream!

Meeting up with friends for baseball & fireworks

Sr High Work Camp

Jon & Eric headed to NJ with this group  for this year's mission trip.

They worked hard & thankfully made it back all in one piece.

Jesse is done with Elementary School

Thankfully my Mom & Eric attended his graduation ceremony as it was while Jon & I were in FL.
We got a DVD of the picture slide show & Jess told us about the memorable speech that Mr. Lieberman gave about priorities and fitting in the big stuff in first & still being able to fit the other things in. So proud of our Mr. High Honors. 

Innovate 2014

These are a few moments from our second trip to FL this year. 

We had dinner & a nice fireworks view at Epcot one evening.
Hugo & Mike are some of our conference friends (& fellow presenters) from Michigan.
Jon & I enjoyed a luxurious night at Universal at the conference special event.
We also got to enjoy spending another  couple of relaxing days & nights at one if our resort properties on our own after I finished my stuff for work.

Backtracking to Memorial Day Weekend

We took a pontoon out on Lake Arthur in the morning.
We took turns driving & snapping pictures of each other. It was chilly but a fun family time together.
We went out for Japanese food at "our place" for our anniversary, sad to say they have now closed after 14 yrs of our many lunch, dinners & the special surprise dinner party for Jon's 40th birthday. Many treasured times along the way...thankfully we haven't shut down. 
We closed out the holiday weekend by marching Eric march through town.