Sunday, September 26, 2004


Boy, it sure has come quick but fall has breezed in! All of us already had our first round of colds so hopefully since we got that out of the way, we'll be in good shape now.

Now that Jess is two, I think Jess thinks he can tell us what to do now...either that or he's just following his brother's lead with this. Jesse has now realized that being in his 'toddler' bed gives him the freedom to not have to stay in bed. We've been battling this with him for a couple of weeks. He usually comes to terms with it after we go a few rounds. Tonight as Jon is away for more Stephen Ministry training, I thought I'd have a difficult "bed time". However, once and awhile, they do surprise me. They ran laps across the driveways with their trucks for about a half hour. Our neighbor came over to play with Eric and Jess did his own thing, also deciding when it was time to come in and get ready for bed. Jess was determined to sleep in Eric's bed (that is where we napped today) so as long as Eric was okay with it, I agreed. Amazingly, I didn't hear a peep out of them either (of course I did say one of them would be removed if I did) but saying this usually doesn't make much of a difference.

It was nice to have an 'easy' night though and since I suffered a 'sick setback' yesterday, I was really in need. We had our preschool consignment sale and before I was done working my shift, I fell very ill. I regained my strength through the night and this morning and feel much better. Eric made me a beautiful picture of our family with a get well wish on it.

Eric and I also worked on some "homework" together. He practiced capital & lower case M's. I told him I'd give him an M&M for every good M he made and boy, did that put him in the mood to write M's. I had to buy him a whole (little) bag which he shared with Jess too.

Anyway, our weekend was a slower pace than the last. This week we will have a guest starting on Wednesday so we're trying to somewhat "shape" the house up (as much as it gets for us). Wishes to all for a good week as we round out the first autumn month of the year. Happy Fall Y'all! :)