Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Okay, that’s not such a nice title but aren’t you too a little SICK of winter by now? Honestly, I usually don’t complain too much about this in particular (although Jon should probably verify this statement and I’m certainly not denying that I complain plenty about many other insignificant things). I grew up in Erie and let me tell you that I’ve seen much more snow “back in the day” and those that are still there surely still do. This year we have some vehicle concerns and variables so I think that is my primary reason for thinking “enough already” with this. Plus, it’s getting lighter earlier, the birds are chirping and we want to go outside more than just to get in a car and go somewhere. I have myself convinced that we are at the end of it and I do hope for this to be true.

Easter being celebrated early this year probably plays a role in the anxiety too. Jon and I have been off a week or missing or week or confusing dates over the last two weeks trying to figure out what we’re doing or scheduled to do when. Jess had a hurt foot and got x-rays, then got the sniffles which put him into back into his nasty funk of waking (us) up several times through the night for the last week. Now Eric developed a cough and spiked a high fever yesterday. The change of the weather often plays a role in these kind of things so in seeking some positive thinking, here’s hoping this is a sign of season’s change.

There are lots of things to look forward to – celebrating the upcoming holiday with family, enjoying sunshine and warmer temperatures and beautiful flowers and green that will soon appear. Let’s hope those winds of change blow the fresh air of spring in for us all to appreciate and enjoy sometime VERY SOON!