Friday, May 06, 2005

Those Crafty Crownovers

Paper Mache was our "project" for the week. Pasting strips over a balloons, allowing them to dry and tonight was the time to paint. A turtle and possibly a pig are our "works in progress." Now, Eric is practicing his math on the computer and Jesse is simultaneously playing his "1-2-3 game" before bedtime. Jesse has developed a cold so the nights are rough at present. Eric is doing well and anxious to be done with school - only about a month left and he'll become a FIRST GRADER. WOW!

We have one more week before we go on haitus. We are making a roadtrip up to Hancock, Massachusetts for a week. What's there? A place to rest our weary heads after the long drive - just a getaway. Hiking, biking, pools, countryside and not a long jaunt from some friends and Boston and/or some sights of New England. It'll be an adventure - 5 of us packed in the jeep for about a seven hour drive. Eric gets a week off from school and I'm taking the week off from work for this adventure. Springing into a vacation just before summer!

That's basically the scoop on us for now. We'll keep you "posted" literally & please do the same when you can!