Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ceremony tradition! Posted by Picasa

Brother waving goodbye! Posted by Picasa

We have lift off! Posted by Picasa

Letting the pie ball go (for wind direction) Posted by Picasa


Well, he did it! Last evening, Eric had his first flight in the hot air balloon. Although a little timid at first (which is often Eric's style), he willingly went up and took Mommy with him. Jesse waved, said goodbye and added a sweet, personal, unprompted "I love you" as we went up and away also. We saw cows, horses, deer, many barky dogs, a ground hog, and a bunny. As we traveled south right along Rte 19 and then I-79, there were MANY waves, honks and yells along the way too. We landed as close as you could get to the street in a very new housing development (still being developed) and there was a crowd there to greet us and help take the balloon down too. It took "our crew" a little while to catch up and find us with unmarked roads and new territory. It really was a beautiful evening and fun family event for all of us. Of course, it was topped off with ice cream afterwards.

The pictures here are from the ground as we did not need the hassle of taking a camera up with us, but did pick a couple of leaves along the flight.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Pictures Galore!

Well, I said that I would have more pictures soon and do I ever! I had a hard time narrowing it down to 30! Since I had so many I decided to put them HERE instead. There are pictures from our stay at "Grammy's" in Erie, including the beach, zoo and cousin Joe's house along with pictures from our trip with friends to "The Big Butler County Fair" on July 3rd.

If you have a dial up connection it may take a long time to load. Sorry that they are slightly oversized (it was my first time using that particular tool). If too many people can’t easily access that web page let me know and I will re-post them to the blog.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Stay Tuned!

I have been meaning to add a bunch of pictures lately but always seem to tired to do it at the end of the day. Here are a few to get you started. There will be more on the way soon!

Pumpkin plants sprouting a few weeks ago. They are much bigger now.

Jesse tries to write his name (and does a pretty good job)!

Meeting the Klondike Ice Cream Bear!

Eric and his "stick spoon"!

Enjoying ice cream on a hot day!

Racing - River Style!

What a catch!

Is it ready yet?


The other night at the dinner table, Jon looked over to Jesse and told him "eat your ham" which was in front of him. However, he took his hand and shoved as many fingers as he could in that little mouth. He pulled it out briefly and asked "eat my hand, Daddy?" quickly putting the hand back in as far as he could (almost gagging). THIS is the time that the boy chooses to follow (albeit incorrect) instructions!?! Of course, he "hammed it up" once Eric, I and Jon also started laughing hysterically with him not hearing was actually said correctly. Never a dull moment -and he gets that from his Dad - that type of listening-haha :)

Eric's FAVORITE month has just begun and he's very excited about that. We'll have to get some pictures from their adventures up north and the Regatta here in town we went to yesterday sometime soon too. A pool party picnic at a former co-workers house is on the agenda today, a bell performance tomorrow morning and who knows what else is yet to come other than the fireworks we're sure to hear and may also venture out to see/enjoy nearby. Have yourself a bright and colorful (and probably warm too) 4th of July!!!