Sunday, July 31, 2005


Well, he did it! Last evening, Eric had his first flight in the hot air balloon. Although a little timid at first (which is often Eric's style), he willingly went up and took Mommy with him. Jesse waved, said goodbye and added a sweet, personal, unprompted "I love you" as we went up and away also. We saw cows, horses, deer, many barky dogs, a ground hog, and a bunny. As we traveled south right along Rte 19 and then I-79, there were MANY waves, honks and yells along the way too. We landed as close as you could get to the street in a very new housing development (still being developed) and there was a crowd there to greet us and help take the balloon down too. It took "our crew" a little while to catch up and find us with unmarked roads and new territory. It really was a beautiful evening and fun family event for all of us. Of course, it was topped off with ice cream afterwards.

The pictures here are from the ground as we did not need the hassle of taking a camera up with us, but did pick a couple of leaves along the flight.