Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Sundae Sunday

We're probably going to end up a little out of order as I think Jon will also soon be posting some pictures from their last camp out trip of the summer. We all squeezed in a two hour tour on the Gateway Clipper this past Sunday given the nice weather and it's feature "ice cream" or more appropriately entitled "Sundae" Social. They also had a magic show and dancing so that kept things moving, even beyond the large "Partyliner" boat moving us through the rivers of the city. I think the ice cream was the selling point, but it was a very nice way to spend an afternoon together as a family.

Today is the first day of school for Eric - FIRST GRADE - ALL DAY. He seems ready to go and Jesse is quite enthusiastic about doing 'homework too'. I guess this confirms the end of summer and beginning of fall...along with all that football.

Pittsburghers Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 22, 2005

2 WILD & CRAZY GUYS!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Not just another week, but another one without the boys. WOW! This time they went up north to Grammy A's for the week. Fast fun was had by all as they kept busier than ever on and were off on many fun adventures. I don't know who was more tired at the end of the week - Grammy or Eric&Jess. Mom gave us the boys back and a disk with some of the highlights (pictures) throughout the week so I figured I'd share some here. It sure looks like they had fun and were kept very busy. We had a pretty good week too as Jon went on a couple excursions on his vacation and I....well, I continued the routine of work. Next year I will be (over)DUE for time off for good behavior!!! It wasn't bad though and still got to have quiet evenings and catch up on a few things I wouldn't ordinarily be able to do as easily. It's been nice to have them back and also hear their own 'depiction' of what they did this past week. Looking at the weather forecast, it looks to be cooling off and I don't know about you but I'm about ready for fall & football...maybe even a little HOCKEY too this year!!!

Beach bums Posted by Picasa

That's no bull! (it's a buffalo farm) Posted by Picasa

World of animals Posted by Picasa

Nutty Animal Lovers Posted by Picasa

Free Wheelin' Posted by Picasa

Fast Fun! Posted by Picasa

Waldameer ride Posted by Picasa

Cousins! Posted by Picasa

Uncle Jon Posted by Picasa

Family Reunion '05 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Who's brighter? :) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Eric takes a shot too! Posted by Picasa

Jess takes a picture! Posted by Picasa

Family of Many Colors Posted by Picasa

Work (Color) "In Progress" Posted by Picasa

Tie-dye Preparation Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 06, 2005

My Huskerdoos :) Posted by Picasa