Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Scout Scoop

So, another busy weekend and it's only Saturnday night!?! Today, Eric lost his first soccer game even though he had an expanded fan club that included Grammy and Larry. It was a tough battle and the team still did well. Eric got to be co-captain this week and even kick the ball back into the play area. In sports, you learn from winning AND losing and now he's experienced them both - with good sportsmanship and admirable stride. That's what sportsmanship is all about and I'm glad that he has it.

Today was also the Scouts banquet where Eric got his Tiger and Bobcat badge and and was promoted to Wolf Cub. Grammy and Larry had a game day with Jesse while Jon and I got to go and focus on Eric. That probably worked out for us all as it was a long afternoon there, but exciting to see Eric progress.

A couple pictures to share here then. Tomorrow morning Eric and Jesse will be singing in the children's choir in the church service. Jon will be strumming along on at least one song too so you know I'll be in the first row as their biggest fan. We'll share more of an update with you again hopefully soon!