Monday, July 31, 2006

Jesse & the Giant Elephant (at Pgh Zoo) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


It was a crazy, busy weekend! It started out soggy but warmed and dried up. The picnic party was filled with food, fun, friends and family. My clown of a hubby made attempts at making balloon animals for the kids and we ended up with a decapitated pinata (via cane thrashing). Below you'll find some shots from our wild day posted here for you to check out.

The long awaited gift! Posted by Picasa

Kitty? Posted by Picasa

Attack! Posted by Picasa

"THE" Girl :) Posted by Picasa

Keeping an eye on her :) Posted by Picasa

Get Grandpa! Posted by Picasa

Pinata Madness Posted by Picasa

Birthday #7 Posted by Picasa

Missing Tooth #2 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Zoo Road Trip

Yesterday we ventured out to the Cleveland Metropolitan Zoo (about 2 hr drive). Aside from forgetting our camera and suncreen, we enjoyed the adventure -albeit a HOT one- as there was lots to take in. We attended a couple of shows and saw some animals "our zoo" does not have including a koala bear, anteater, wolves, and a bald eagle. They have a "Touch" feature where we got to put our hands in a big pool area to feel different kinds of sting rays and sharks which was pretty neat also. Although the pictures weren't of high quality, I finally have a working phone to capture at least a few shots. Eric enjoyed his camel ride, but chose a very large "Pittsburgh" snake as a souvenir. Jesse does not like camels so the ride wasn't even a consideration and he chose a very soft pink stingray named "Pinky". It seems that we're in for another very hot day and as I can affectionately be called "Pinky" myself now from the sun that I got (or that got me more than anyone else), I don't mind leading a sheltered life today -inside and cool - if not, at a pool!

Boys & Bald Eagle Posted by Picasa

Elephant peek Posted by Picasa

Eric rides a CAMEL! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 02, 2006

VBS Update

Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church. All THREE boys participated. Jon was in (co-)charge of recreation and the boys were in separate groups (probably a good thing). They had Fiesta (themed) fun all week with a finale performance Thursday evening with a few pictures showing this here. They sang and danced very well and the slide show presentation captured a lot of fun moments. This week the boys are off to "grandparents camp" out in central PA. The parent camp has been pretty lazy so far being on holiday but hope to accomplish at least a few things around home in the meanwhile. We'll have more updates soon! Happy July (already!) to you :)

Our New Little Star! Posted by Picasa

Show Boy! Posted by Picasa

Where's Crownovers? Posted by Picasa