Monday, December 31, 2007

End-of-Year Crammin'

So, there was more of December to share with you so here are some out of order shots captured...not on film, but digitally. The boys took free ice skating lessons at North Park. All were very determined and improved each week in their own separate groups. Impressive!

Traveling north we entered the real "snow zone". The boys were excited to slide, build and throw snow. In fact, the head of the pictured snowman was actually thrown AT ME! For obvious reasons, I couldn't capture that "Kodak moment." Then, we attended my nephew's birthday party which was filled with lots of inflatable, jumpin' fun had by all.

On Christmas Eve, there was a birthday party for baby Jesus in between our church services. This was a nice way to prepare for the big day filled with lots of giving and pleasant surprises - us not getting or being sick being one of those gifts we haven't had for a couple of years now.

The next day, we met up with some friends that had moved to WV/VA six months ago. It was nice to see them all and catch up again. Hopefully we'll get to take a roadtrip down to and see their new home in the coming months.

Anyway, that's the scoop as we end 2007. Some bug ended up catching Jesse but he's doing better and so far so good for the rest of us. We've planned a low key celebration here at home tonight. Eric made a trip to ToysRUs to spend some of his gift cards and purchased a bundle of Yu Gi Oh cards which he kindly shared with his brother. Going through and playing with these keeps them cooperative and quiet which makes for a good evening for all! Best wishes for a HAPPY NEW 2008!!!

Cooperation sometimes has a price!?!

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Uncooperative Group Shot

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"Old" Friends Reunite!

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Christmas Munchin'

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Little Drummer Boy

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I got just what YOU wanted!

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Just what I wanted!

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A Birthday Party for Jesus!

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That's not Daddy!?!

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Cake time!

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How they treat the B-day Boy??!!

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What are those crazy cousins doing?

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I'm not afraid of this BIG boy!

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Angie girl & her BIG cousin

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Ready to party (@ Joe's b-day dino jump)

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& then he lost his head?!?

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Grammy turned him into a conehead?!

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Here he is

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1st snowman of the season

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Learning to skate

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Party Time

Done with work for the rest of the year! Done with school for the rest of this year! This morning all we had were Christmas parties! I took the boys to school and helped with Jesse's class which was a fun time. I got to put each child's hand in paint for an ornament craft and then give them all a dollup of frosting and cookie to decorate. Who could ask for anything more??!! I also got a bonus in meeting Jesse's "girl friend" and her Mom which was also a delight. Anyway, it's a good way to start off a holiday break and here's hoping the rest of the year and time off will be filled with as much cheer as possible for us all :)

PS. I forgot to bring my camera to school today...and they kept me so busy, I wouldn't have been able to snap many shots this time around anyhow.