Friday, December 21, 2007

Party Time

Done with work for the rest of the year! Done with school for the rest of this year! This morning all we had were Christmas parties! I took the boys to school and helped with Jesse's class which was a fun time. I got to put each child's hand in paint for an ornament craft and then give them all a dollup of frosting and cookie to decorate. Who could ask for anything more??!! I also got a bonus in meeting Jesse's "girl friend" and her Mom which was also a delight. Anyway, it's a good way to start off a holiday break and here's hoping the rest of the year and time off will be filled with as much cheer as possible for us all :)

PS. I forgot to bring my camera to school today...and they kept me so busy, I wouldn't have been able to snap many shots this time around anyhow.