Sunday, March 11, 2007


Time seems to be going by quite fast in 2007 so far. Fortunately, winter seems to moving out now too which is a good thing and we're already thinking spring. Since we got our new camera, the pciture download/file transfer process is quite a bit longer so that's been part of the reason of delay in posting. So, here we are playing a bit of catch up now.

Both boys are taking swimming lessons and are making significant progress. It should be a wildly wet and fun summer as they get the hang of being safe in and liking the water.

I/We have made several trips up north in February. The best part of that was being able to see my little new niece as she is growing so much so fast. It was good to see the rest of the family and friends as well, but a baby girl is a rare and fun treat for me living in my boy home with my "home boys." It has fun to have Jon's parents come stay and visit with us a few times this year already too. Only one time did they get "snowed in" but the boys even got their own club house built out of that! Jon and I have gotten to go on a couple of dates as we were starting to forget what those were!

The "Comedian Returns" was the name of Eric's act in the school's variety show which was in the beginning of March. He did so great and got such a rep from telling jokes in the show when he was in kindergarten, he set out to do so again. He was great and he had quite a posse in the third row to cheer him on. He is "seriously funny."

Lately, we have been amazed with Jesse's ability in prayer. I haven't known any four year old let alone adult to come up with some of the words that he composes and shares with us. He is very original, gives great thought and meaning in talking to God. Tonight he added in "help us find a way when we are trapped."

Jon and Eric had an overnight adventure at the Science Center Friday night for scouts. Jesse and I went to a dinner show at the church. However, he wrote a note to another girl inviting her to sit with us, so it seemed he ended up with his own date. Saturday evening he had a young lady over to play. He enjoys the rare opportunity of having the role of "big brother" which he has learned well. He asked Jon if he used a recipe for this mint cookie pudding that he had made and after saying no, he excitedly told us "Wow, Daddy invented this!"

This week Eric has a weather project and also a dinosaur project to get started on. Jon and he went to a museum to start getting some ideas for what he is going to do and make. He has a great imagination and really thinks ahead. He collaborated with his brother at the zoo today to buy cookies together. It was worth way more than a dollar to see the negotiation and how they can really work together on things.

Anyway, that about sums it up for now. Warmer weather should bring about more adventures and activities. Riding bikes will probably be on the list now that we're getting swimming nailed down. Spring it on!