Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Wow! What a fast summer it was. Time just really seemed to fly on by and here we are landing in September. The boys did squeeze in a final camping trip up in a cabin at Moraine at the end of August and we usually seem to squeeze in the first home PSU game then also and Hershey Park is becoming another end of summer tradition for us. So, here are some shots from the aforementioned occasions as well as Jesse's KINDERGARTEN orientation AND eventful first day of school. No nervous jitters at all! Both boys were filled with "happy" and excitement as they started the long season of routine together. Jesse gets to ride the bus in the a.m. with Eric and already knows how to find his room on his own and sits with a neighbor classmate. So, we're well on our way to engaging in the school life again...surely we'll have more to report on again soon!