Saturday, February 16, 2008

Double Whammy!

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Smoochin' Daddy

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Valentines Mystery Dinner

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Future's so bright he's gotta wear shades

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Quite a Get Up

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A Hearty Family

Happy Valentines Day....extend the love to the weekend if not longer :) We had a surprise Mystery Dinner that Jon prepared for us. It was a fun evening filled with challenges that accompanied our 3 course dinner of choices. Last night we went out to dinner and for ice cream. Jesse has now "crossed the barrier" as he used to get a free cone at Brewsters but NOT ANYMORE...GUESS WHO GREW??!! When I mentioned this, he said to me "Well, Mom...things change you know." Oh yes, they do!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sleepover Plans

Now, our family is certainly not the most conservative of sorts. However, when the subject of being allowed to have a friend or two stay over, unfortunately some miscommunication ensued. After agreeing that this would be acceptable to do some time, probably over the weekend or in the summer and telling them that they could make plans as always and as parents we eventually learn more. As I drove Eric home last night, we got into more specific details of when his girlfriend could stay over. Hmmmm.....that's a fun one to explain. I tell Jon and he says "Yes, Jesse wants his girl friend to sleep over too." I advised that he better explain that this will not be possible (hopefully before the girls discuss this kind of invite with their parents!?!) and this would not be known as the Crownover's House of Love!?! Yikes :) I instead suggested an alternative double or triple date with us (first?!) if that is the route they'd like to go. I know they're growing up fast, but COME ON!!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

They wished for cake!

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Make a wish!

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Up & away!

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Kickin' it

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Just like Peter Pan - I can fly!

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Derby Doozies

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Wait for the beat!?!

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It seems we may be taking the Break before Spring this year....well, at least Jon and I. Apparently, I am due for this also as Jesse wrote a post-it out that said "Don't make mad or sad" which we agreed I needed to wear at work. I did take it to work with me a reminder as things had been becoming a bit rocky but now headed toward smoother sailing which I am (as well as others are) quite happy about now.

Anyway, it seems we missed picture updates for January so I have gone back to pull a few over to share now. First we have "the Band" brothers and then the Derby cars for the annual race. We all enjoyed babysitting a little friend and also enjoyed another little guy celebrate his 3rd birthday with a baseball party. It was at a cool place that had an indoor baseball diamond so they go to play lots of (different kinds of) ball.

That's most of the highlights of our happenings for now and hopefully we'll report more again sometime soon.