Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bench Shot

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Story Telling

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Funny Group Shot

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Group Shot

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my Tarzan

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A Real Croquet Challenge

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Couch Slouching

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Lunch Bunch

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Lunch Huddle

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Fortune Fellowship

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Folding Fun

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My Boys

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Ceremonial Circle

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Pre-Smore Time

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A Little Help for my friend!

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Two Cute!

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Crestfield Overnighter

So we close out April with some travels up north. Last weekend the boys went out to New Castle for a little friend's birthday party. I missed out being somewhat of a sicko. It's been a gradual recovery (as rain seems to set me back) but this weekend we were all healthy and headed to Camp Crestfield for a scout overnighter. The forecast wasn't great but the weather actually turned out terrific!

The boys ran off lots of energy in kickball, wiffle ball, a hike, and other crafts and activities. Jon held down the Webelo fort (which was one lively side of a cabin) while several fathers were on the other side with most of the Bears. On the other side of the woods, the Moms actually had their own cabin which was calmer to say the least.

This week we have Eric's theater performance and Jesse's first baseball game so it should be a fun-filled week. Our schedule is a little more chaotic than usual but we're sorting it out week by week. Surely we'll have another update soon as we head into the last full month of school...that must mean that summer is NEAR!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shot Thru the Heart

That is one of the boys favorite songs (or at least what they think it's's really Bon Jovi's You Give Love A Bad Name). In this picture, you'll find Jesse's chess medal for taking 2nd place in chess club for his age group (K - 2nd grade). On Eric, you'll find his first baseball encounter from practice tonight...a ground ball gone awry. Eric was hanging tough when I picked him up and informed me he didn't cry and it didn't hurt that Jesse starts baseball next week. We played awhile outside tonight while Eric was at practice and he hit a line drive right back to me...let's just say it would have hurt more if I was a guy. He apologized with a big smile and immediately told me to stop acting funny...there's no doubt he's a tough one too!