Monday, May 26, 2008

Now Hear This!

Jesse tends to say this instead of "Listen!" - and often, it is quite a declaration. WOW...have we been busy!?! This has been a jam-packed month, let alone just over this past holiday weekend. First, let me back up to Mother's Day of which I received recognition well beyond my expectations. I not only got to go to a Pens playoff game, but I was also invited to a special school event by Jesse and his class. That was terrific, fun and then there was even more! The boys gave me even more wonderful and creative gifts on that day. Jesse seemed to "monitor" me that day to always make sure I was happy or find out if he could do something to bring even more of a smile to my face - VERY SWEET!!!

The next week, we helped Grammy pick up a friend at the airport so we got to have a short visit with them. After that, Grandma and Grandpa came out for a weekend visit too. Time moved so quickly we didn't even get the camera out for those :( Fortunately, when Eric was in his third grade concert, we did remember to capture some footage of that. He did great playing his recorder and singing. Jesse is always his biggest fan cheering very loud for him.

That brings us to this past weekend --*B*U*S*Y*!!!! Aunt Christie brought the kids down for a long weekend visit. This started off with making some colorful cookies and Joe going to school with Jesse on Friday. They came down to the North Shore that afternoon where I met them for a picnic lunch and then after that, they went to the Science Center (which was kind of like the zoo with so many fieldtrip busloads of kids). The next morning, we actually went to the (real) zoo. Jesse had a game in the afternoon and then we all needed somewhat of a rest/break by Saturday evening. Christie and I went to the Cheesecake Factory. Jon agreed to watch the kids for us to be able to go in exchange for a piece of their cheesecake....DONE DEAL!!! I also agreed to get up early after that and crew for the hot air balloon since the weather had shaped up and at the last minute, I also got to ride for this Sunday morning flight which was calm and beautiful. After that, I returned to our house (which by then I would not describe as calm or beautiful). Shortly after this, my brother came down and we all went to the Science Center which was enough to keep us all busy again. After than, we sort of picnicked as Jon cooked out for us - with yummy BBQ chicken, corn on the cob and watermelon. After a fun (and busy) visit, they all headed back north then to probably try to "relax" for the rest of the holiday weekend. However, we decided to venture out again - this time to the Drive-In movies. We took our s'more maker to enjoy sweet treats as our pre-movie entertainment. Jesse was the first to tire out during the Indiana Jones movie but I was a close second (with being up before 5am for the morning flight). I really wanted to see Made of Honor which was the second movie but just couldn't keep my eyes open enough to do so. Jon was the only one who made it through this double feature event but it was still fun trying. It was a late night, therefore a late morning for us all but today we're just taking it in as a holiday (we actually get two in a row!) and making the most of it with some down home family time. Cheers!

Catch this, Uncle Jon!

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Ball Player?

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Pulling up or down?

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Who has bunny ears?

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Eric & Uncle Craig

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Dandelion Fun

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Tickle Big Brother!

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Head over heels!

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Waving Hello with Mama!

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Sweet Smiles

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Joe goes to school w/Jess

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Bedtime stories

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Girls are SCARY!

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Cookie Monster?

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Singing Yellow Submarine

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Song with Recorders

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3rd Grade Concert

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Kindergarten Mother's Day Program

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Sunday, May 04, 2008


Double time! Jesse's #1! That is his number and he was lovin' it! Last week was his first game and no "Tee" was needed. He hit pitched balls as the clean-up batter and brought the first run in for his team in (RBI). He did great and luckily got to play the whole game before we (including Grammy) rushed off to see Eric. His final Kids Theater performance was also that evening and again - magnificant performance! Eric was very funny, on queue and always has the punchline. It was a super-sized Wednesday but still a very treasured evening for us all.

Eric is lucky #7 and had his 1st game the very next night. Again, he did a terrific job hitting the ball and enjoyed a team win! Jesse's 2nd game was rained out but Eric's still carried on this past Sat. in a steady drizzle. Eric did good fielding and they pulled out another (albeit wet) win. So, we're now in full gear for busy game weeks and schedules but hopefully getting into a new groove with this kind of routine. We're anxious to take them to a Bucs game now as they both have a better understanding and appreciation of the "real" game. MAYbe the April showers will lay off sometime soon so this might be possible? Hope so!

Our Basket Overflowth

What happens over five years...====>

What a BASKET case!?!

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We won!

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Sliding HOME!

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SAFE at 3rd!

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