Sunday, May 04, 2008


Double time! Jesse's #1! That is his number and he was lovin' it! Last week was his first game and no "Tee" was needed. He hit pitched balls as the clean-up batter and brought the first run in for his team in (RBI). He did great and luckily got to play the whole game before we (including Grammy) rushed off to see Eric. His final Kids Theater performance was also that evening and again - magnificant performance! Eric was very funny, on queue and always has the punchline. It was a super-sized Wednesday but still a very treasured evening for us all.

Eric is lucky #7 and had his 1st game the very next night. Again, he did a terrific job hitting the ball and enjoyed a team win! Jesse's 2nd game was rained out but Eric's still carried on this past Sat. in a steady drizzle. Eric did good fielding and they pulled out another (albeit wet) win. So, we're now in full gear for busy game weeks and schedules but hopefully getting into a new groove with this kind of routine. We're anxious to take them to a Bucs game now as they both have a better understanding and appreciation of the "real" game. MAYbe the April showers will lay off sometime soon so this might be possible? Hope so!