Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Update

Is summer really here? Holy shnikes, I think it is...the kids are out of school, the temps are warming up, and a vacation nears. Hoorah! So, I wanted to get some happenings posted before we head out...SOON! June was busy with festive days at school...I think Eric was too fast and stayed out of Daddy's sight so we didn't get pictures of him then. Jesse had a big exciting graduation day and picnic, officially turning to full school days for next year! Jon suprisingly got a Life Saver Award as well! Report cards were excellent for both and just about the only thing Eric needed to improve on (the record) was his handwriting and he even raised that up! They are smart, quick and amusing much of the time...always keeping us on our toes. Now they have their pedal to the metal with bike riding too!

They went to VBS at our church the week after school in the evenings but had to trade off some nights with baseball games as that came to a close. It wasn't real hot which actually worked out good for that and they both had lots of fun. Jon helped with the opening and closing music some of those evenings and Eric ended up with a solo (sort of). The other boys pointed to him and he made this Elvis kind of sound...I video-ed it so you'll have to check it out sometime.

Anyway, that's our scoop for now...more to come soon!