Monday, September 29, 2008

Staying Charged

So, we started out our weekend determined to take the puppies to Erie - not being sure how that would go. They have grown SO MUCH, they could now barely fit in the carrier we brought them home in just over a month ago. We instead took "their room" (cage) with us and they rode in the back of the jeep. Getting ready to make the trip, the jeep wouldn't start. Jon jumped it and we set on our merry way. We did have to stop a couple of times and Fudge seemed nervous and got sick a few times also but we finally made it.

Saturday evening was the big event for my Mom. Surrounded by her family and many friends, she was officially inducted into the Hall of Fame for Women's Bowling. Many years, many events, and many strikes have kept her charging ahead to her success and this award of acheivement. The (grand)kids thought they were famous too in being mentioned in the program under her accomplishments.

So, after a nice dinner and presentation, we left and got as far as the parking lot (which I might say is not the finest part of Erie). We are 'Burghers and I work in worse conditions but I also have to say, I'm glad we were surrounded and WITH family. Mostly because we had to be jumped again - a few times - to get out and get home. With the help of my brother and sis-in-law, they got us running and going again. We didn't even miss too much of the Penn State game either. We still had this problem of staying charged though.

Sunday began with addressing that issue. Not being sure of the cause (in just needing to have the vehicle fixed the week prior), we had the battery tested and replaced. That did the trick and we've been good to go ever since. Jon and I actually got to go to a movie while the cousins played Grammy's Wii and the puppies played. It was the worst movie I had ever chosen in my life and the first time we actually considered walking out...WOW! However, we appreciated the time out and away regardless of the poor choice in entertainment.

I was beat tired last night but at least posted some pictures from our weekend. Personally, it was also a treat for me to hang out a bit with my niece as she seems to like me for some reason - we're calling it the "Jesse factor" as there seems to be some Anderson likeness going on there :) Anyway, we had a nice weekend visit up north and our trip home went better than the trip up - no problem at all with the pups (Larry and Mom did a good job of keeping them up and busy before we left) so we're back in the swing of our routine for the week and that's the latest :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting Easier?

We guess so...the girls are starting to get it...milk bone treats help. Actually, they ring a bell when they need to go out. It has somewhat morphed into when they WANT to go out but we're trying to reinforce the main purpose of it. It does seem somewhat impressive and helpful! Two puppies often go in very different directions throughout our house.

It becomes much more fun when you don't have ot watch them like a hawk...instead just with an eagle eye now :) This weekend they will be making their first big journey up north. They've grown so much they barely fit in the carrier we brought them home in just 4 wks ago. They'll be weighing in with their next vet check up soon too.

Fudge's face is turning more brown it seems each day. If the boys' room door is left open, she goes in there on what looks to be a shopping spree, not knowing what fluffy one she'll choose and dart off with. Cindy has more of a voice - lower and stronger. She tends to be dominant but Fudge clearly has (or uses) more of her "bite."

Oh...and for those is sinking into more of a routine, quite a busy one though. Eric is playing trombone and learning sign language. Jesse is taking Spanish and usually finishes his homework for the week all in the first night after it is assigned. They are doing well and like their teachers.

Time to get ready for bed (for some in our household) so must go for now. More to come...

Sweet Sleep

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Looking with those Puppy Dog Eyes

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