Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pet Transition

House training is in progress...not much time to write. However, we did "release" Eric's fish of eight years this past weekend, after finding it a good home in a co-worker's big and beautiful pond. BoBo is the largest and eldest of eleven fish and seemed to appreciate the depth and size of this new home. He is the big fish in a big pond and hopefully happier with more room to grow, swim and share with other fishy friends. The first report given indicated they were all getting lots of exercise following him zip back and forth all over.

Puppies are doing well -haven't mastered going out ALL the time but improving and they can even ring a bell to let us know they want to go out (not always a need, but lots of want). Lots of sniffing, chewing and chasing - mostly each other but most everything else in their path too. They are pretty well sleeping through the night too. It's amazing as they seem to be growing before our eyes...just like those boys of ours, especially that younger one who seems to be in the (growing like a) weed phase...sprouting right up! Cindy is usually calmer but still has most of the house training issues while Fudge is the non-stop chewer but they are full of lots of interest, love and speed...many times in different directions or else relentlessly right at each other. I'm glad to finally get a moment to post a few more pictures and update - surely more to come soon.