Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Overnighter

What a weekend for a campout! Being locked out and having trouble finding someone to let us into our cabin in the POURING DOWN RAIN, losing power for several hours, all 25+ scouts and their parents sleeping on cots in one big open room...but fun was still had! Racing boats down a waterfall after a hike, doing some crafts and balloon activities and playing the ever-popular Octopus game and ending the night with a team scavenger hunt and of course, s'mores for all.

Upon our return, we decided to eat out at our favorite Japanese place that Sunday afternoon. Jesse always likes that they cook in front of us and they get sticks to play with (although they technically are eating utensils). Eric enjoyed the steak so much he told Grammy "I love Flaming Yawn!" in his phone conversation.