Saturday, January 31, 2009

Heavy drinkers?

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This is at Dimitri's baseball party

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January Rewind

I'm still having a hard time believing February is almost here...however it's not so hard to believe that the Steelers are in the SuperBowl tomorrow...especially in this town right now. There is some serious pep and rallying everywhere ya go.

Anyway, now that we resolved a technical difficulty, here is a recap on January. The boys were in their first chess tournament and did great (much better than I would have if I had went!?!). A blue 1st and red 2nd place ribbon for their first time - who could ask for more? They both won two out of four games...and going back for more. Their next event is Feb 21st and both are practicing up to compete again.

Then, we had the Pinewood Derby...actually, Jon had his surgery first. This went very well (other than harshly coming out of anesthesia) and he was feeling good enough that he still helped run this big event. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to get pictures of them with their cars before they completed their registration and had to turn their cars over but somebody else did, so I might have more pictures later of those. Neither placed but have gotten better each year which is a good trend to follow. We were thankful Grandpa came out to help us that week and we got to celebrate his birthday too. Us giving him a break and going away for a few hours at a time might have been his best gift :)

This week the boys have tryouts for the school talent show can guess what Eric is going to do, but this time with a sidekick. I bet it will be our favorite performance yet! Also, very newsworthy, we got report cards yesterday and STRAIGHT A's - BOTH OF THEM. How wonderful and pleased we are. For rewards, Eric got the green Wimpy kid book and Jesse got a make-your-own-paper kit which we are in the process of doing today (we need to recycle, especially with the way he goes through it).

Anyway, I think this brings us close to up to date for now. The boys (yes, all 3) are out playing in the crunchy snow now. I'm not equipped to do so (plus I'm freezing already) so I don't mind having a window seat for that with my girls :) Surely, we'll have more to report again soon...but signing off for now.

A Toothy Grin...soon to be changed

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Brotherly love....always :)

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She does look small...compared to our Giant

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Messin' with Big Dogs now...

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Look into my eyes...

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(Witnessing) He feels better!

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Happy Birthday, Grampa!

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Just like playing with matchbox cars...

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A little suspicious...

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Ready to race

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Feelin' blue making muffins?

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Puppies don't get to do that!

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How many pups do we have now?

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A Day of Winning!

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Award winning!

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Making His Move

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Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year, New Post

Earlier this week, we had another mini-Thanksgiving at my Mom's (also with my brother's family). Many other good meals and treats were prepared my Mom-in-law here at our house with them staying with us for the week. We left our friend's party with Jesse getting a glass lemonade set and then had to try it out shortly thereafter. This was during our Spidey-week.

We actually had a low-key end of year with the Spiderman-fest (watching I, II and III). Grandpa helped Eric finished the mega-Lego project, which actually only took a couple of days. Grandma started a puzzle we all eventually worked on which I had custom-made for Jon. That took awhile longer but we happily finished fitting together all 252 pieces last night.

Jesse and I went on a date yesterday. We saw "Marley and Me" and then went to his favorite place, Qdoba for lunch. It was a tear jerker of a dog movie which was easy to appreciate for many reasons. Our own girls got their stitches out today and they are mostly back to "normal"...that's not the word I use very often to describe them (or us, I guess) though. They are now taking turns burying and digging up each others treats in our yard. What a pair of dingbats they are...but we love 'em.

So who knows what 2009 will go ahead and bring it on! :)

Another Christmas present masterpiece completed!

...but down he goes!

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I'm not sure what he was up to...

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& Jealousy

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& there's Bossy (aka Cindy)

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See how old he, I mean she looks :)

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Grand Parents and Children

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