Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year, New Post

Earlier this week, we had another mini-Thanksgiving at my Mom's (also with my brother's family). Many other good meals and treats were prepared my Mom-in-law here at our house with them staying with us for the week. We left our friend's party with Jesse getting a glass lemonade set and then had to try it out shortly thereafter. This was during our Spidey-week.

We actually had a low-key end of year with the Spiderman-fest (watching I, II and III). Grandpa helped Eric finished the mega-Lego project, which actually only took a couple of days. Grandma started a puzzle we all eventually worked on which I had custom-made for Jon. That took awhile longer but we happily finished fitting together all 252 pieces last night.

Jesse and I went on a date yesterday. We saw "Marley and Me" and then went to his favorite place, Qdoba for lunch. It was a tear jerker of a dog movie which was easy to appreciate for many reasons. Our own girls got their stitches out today and they are mostly back to "normal"...that's not the word I use very often to describe them (or us, I guess) though. They are now taking turns burying and digging up each others treats in our yard. What a pair of dingbats they are...but we love 'em.

So who knows what 2009 will go ahead and bring it on! :)