Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Our Kennywood Day

This past Sunday we decided to go to Kennywood....the weather looked good as did our schedule (and someone graciously agreed to let the pups out for us!). It wasn't too crowded either which was nice. The first ride chosen was the Jack Rabbit and it took Jesse a little by surprise. However, by the end of the day he was loving the Racers (although Eric and he lost all three times against Daddy & I) and also conquered the Jack Rabbit again. By now, it would not be unusual for us to run into someone we know there. What WAS unusual that it was family from Spartansburg (2 1/2 hrs away). Jacob, who is just a few days younger than Eric, was there with his parents and a friend for my cousin's company picnic and we actually ran into them within the first half hour of being in the park. This worked out well and Eric was excited to hang out with them. No Phantom's Revenge for anyone but just about everything else was pretty well covered.

Traditional Potato Patch fries, freshly made corndogs, lots of ice cream, cotton candy and cookies...quite the day of indulgance but hey, everyday isn't a Kennywood day...but it has become a fun annual tradition for us which we do seem to share with others, although that wasn't even part of our plan this year, this still happened and was an unexpected treat.