Friday, January 15, 2010

Catching Up to the New Year

So, it's January 15th and I'm now caught up through December 25th (Christmas 2009)...a little lag there! I'm so glad we got to celebrate Christmas with family, up in Erie on Christmas Eve, at Alive at church and then also on at home (with more family) on Christmas day. We are so Blessed.

I think I've fallen more behind than usual because of "The Big Trip." Jon and I ventured to Hawaii for a whole two weeks...and amazing it was. I have (for real) a thousand pictures to work my way through to sort out what to keep and post. That sounds like a job in itself. It will be fun to revisit all of which we tried to capture from a very special time. It was definitely an unprecedented vacation, like no other. If you're on facebook, you've gotten a preview of some of the highlights and play-by-play on our daily adventures. Many people commented and found the pictures and activities to be inspiring and that it was. More stars in the sky that have ever been seen, obviously more water (2500 miles from anything else) and ocean that is imaginable and then there is the land. Natural, new, still evolving, with vegetation that does not exist anywhere else and UNUSED/PRESERVED. The people are or can only live on a small portion of the islands leaving it pristine, untattered and beautiful.

Anyway, that's my introduction for the images that will be coming soon. I'll probably try to post an island at a time as we traveled from Hawaii (the Big Island) to Maui to Kauai spending four days on each. Other than our first flight being cancelled and having to deal with the airline to reroute, the trip arrangements were flawless too. Hakuna Matata...what a wonderful phrase :)