Monday, June 14, 2010

Moving Melodies

After my cousin's reception, we stopped in to visit my friend and bride-to-be, Suzanne. Her future hubby drove a U-haul from Boston and they are attempting to fit this stuff in her apartment. Jon helped with this effort but they have a long way to go...and just a short time until THEIR big wedding day.

We drove back in the afternoon and the boys voluntarily participated in a small recital hosted at our church. Everyone did so well, it was a nice variety of instruments and relatively short which worked out nicely for all. Our after-event beanie brownies were well-liked also, especially by us!

Eric belting out School Spirit

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Jesse playing Beethoven

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Shiny, happy people :)

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The SAME height? OY

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The Family Gathering

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The siblings

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Angie & the silly boys

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The gang's all here

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Jesse MAKES her look!

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A better shot :)

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Crazy Cousins

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My Mom tends to forget how tall Jon is

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Cake time!

They pulled the same trick on their bridal party that we did 10 yrs ago!
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A Motley Crew

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The Happy Couple

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Three Amigos

These guys hung out together at Kennywood last year. Jacob, who is Eric's cousin, is just a few days younger than Eric and the other boy is Jacob's cousin.
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The Wedding Party Rolled Up in This!

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Silly Siblings

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Funny Zoo Story

If you check out the LONG escalator picture, this reminds me of one of our more amusing zoo moments. Awhile back, we went with my friend Karen's family and Brittany, my Goddaughter, sprinted up the down side when we arrived. She was quick and successfully made it to the top (against the current). At a later date, Eric remembered this and attempted the same feat....unsuccessfully. Jesse and I had "raced" him up by taking the elevator so didn't "see" this attempt but Eric (gasping) told us this once caught his breath and rode up after his "defeat." Live & learn...& knowing him will probably try again, when in better shape! This week Eric is in basketball camp all day long so that may start happening soon.

Returning Joe to his Sis

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The long road out

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Two Puffs & a Dragon

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Smiling Shark & friends

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Crown Making

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Soft & Smiley

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Shark Attack!

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