Monday, June 14, 2010

The Toons of June

Here it is mid-June...& school's out for summer! Not only that, but our neighbor's grandkids who have been our kids buddies whenever they came to visit (2 or 3 times a year) MOVED in and will even be going to their school. The boys couldn't be more excited about this recent news and plan/try to spend every free moment together.

Speaking of the neighborhood, there was a big fire this week just a few doors down from us. Everyone got out okay so that was a good thing. Eric was a little freaked out when their bus was detoured because of a fire on our road but was glad to be greeted by Dad and reassured we were all okay too.

Jon and Eric went on their first BOY scout camping trip...and what a WET one it was. They did a peddle paddle with rafting and biking too. The report was that it was lots of fun, even if it was wet and tiring. Meanwhile, Jesse and I invited his cousin Joey down for the weekend. That was fun too. We went and saw Marmaduke, played lots of games and dodged some raindrops with our trip to the zoo.