Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Skipping Ahead

Admittedly, I am going to post some pictures out of order. There are LOTs of pictures from my bff's wedding weekend which I have yet to conquer (some available already on fb). I just do not have that much energy right now so I am going to circle back.

As our camera battery died on this past weekend's D.C. trip, there aren't nearly as many between our camera and the mobile photos we took. Anyway, here are some of those shots from a very HOT weekend in the big city. We had a great time taking in the Pentagon, the Capitol building, Washington Monument, Lincoln and Vietnam Memorial, the Air & Space Smithsonian museum...not to mention the METRO, our hotel pool and getting to visit with Grandma and Grandpa too! We even made a trip over to the Inner Harbor and went through the Baltimore Aquarium. They had a neat 4D Planet Earth movie that had 'startling' moments and a neat dolphin show (even if Jesse and Eric didn't get splashed in the splash zone).

We lucked into another event on the way home. We saw a sign for Medieval Times show and tournament at a mall along our way back. So, we decided to hang out in the COOL mall, eat ice cream for lunch and attend this big dinner show. We got to eat with our hands and watch a story play out, cheering for our knight (by crown color) and he won the battle/saved the day! I think Jesse nearly lost his voice from cheering him on. They put on a great show and a fun time was had by all. This was our grand finale before packing up and heading home. The time went by very fast but it was a fun trip and adventure. Admittedly, the heat made us cranky at times but the boys were troopers (more than me) and they knew there was a swimming pool to jump into at the end of the day which helped our cause.