Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Where did January go?

This New Year is not going to pass me by. However, it looks like January did before we got back here to post any updates. So, to look back a bit, we ended the year...um, well...sick BUT it was one at a time throughout the week (at multiple locations). At the end of the week, the boys and I met some friends at the zoo to help Jon recoop a bit. Fully recovered or not, we were headed to to the Winter Classic on New Years Day (night). What an event! If we would have won & it didn't rain so much, it would have been spectacular but it was still an amazing and enjoyable event. Getting to see my family was an added bonus too as my brother also went while Grammy and Larry watched the boys for us.

The rest of the month was filled with lots of other activities like hockey, basketball, Taekwondo and music. If we had a night free...it was likely bad weather slowing us down a bit...and that was not a bad thing either! Our month ended in tradition with the "girls" heading north to a "mind-full" retreat and the "boys" having their weekend together with birthday celebration, the Pinewood Derby and lots of other activities.

Februrary is now upon us...Punxatawny Phil "weighing in" tomorrow but the weather does not sound promising. So, maybe we'll just count on WARM hearts and wishes as we head towards Valentines Day!