Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dinner Theater Delight

So, we've attended Hiland dinner theater many times over the years. This year was definitely special though. Eric was one of the many "stars" of the show this time. It was exciting and he was just great-tastic! It was a wonderful performance and very amusing...even after the 3rd time. Friday, Grammy and Larry came in, Saturday we had Grandma & Grandpa along with some longtime friends and Sunday, we had a co-worker of mine and her family along with one of Eric's closest friend come to the event. He got bunches of flowers, candy and on Sunday, he even had fans holding up an "I "heart" Eric sign. It was touching and fun cheering him on.

We are so proud of all of his and the youth group's hard work. It took alot of time and much effort to coordinate such an event...three times over. Our weekend was dedicated and it was so much fun for all. If you weren't able to attend, you can check some of the captured moments...& plan to come be a part of it next time!!!