Saturday, May 21, 2011

Easy Day at the Beach

It was nice to meet up my cousin after the Animal Park. Wednesday was a "day off" of sorts. We went to a beach on Coronado Island. We took this large, bright yellow plastic Lego bag to keep our stuff in. Everytime we all were away from our spot, two seagulls would come over and peck at it. Very odd! They boys found some sand dollars along the shoreline. They hung out in the water, regardless of how cold it was. They enjoyed the rush of waves by being in did I, but instead from the warm, sandy beach. Because of the military base(s), there were almost as many planes and helicopters flying across our sky as birds during the day!?! No matter, we enjoyed our beach day very much. That evening, cousin Erin and Steve came over to check out our boat and they took us out for dessert. We walked down the harbor to the Boathouse for our sweet treats. Believe it or not, it was chilly enough that we switched to the indoor dining room from being seated outside too.