Sunday, December 25, 2011

Conquered by Fudge

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Grandma Squeeze

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A Grandpa Grab

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Hunter's tool!

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Happy Surprises!

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Great gifts!

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I got a watch!

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Gifts from Uncle Adam & Aunt Wendi

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Just the purple coat I wanted!

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Dog toys!

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Eric got me the big cookie maker

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BIG donut maker from Eric

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Wireless drill!

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He objects!

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Fudge smells peanutbutter

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Reading his autograph!

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All is calm

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The Racers

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Assembled & awesome!

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Christmas Time, Part II

So we drove home Saturday afternoon and Grandma and Grandpa were at our house to greet us (& visit).  We got to assemble and play with the gifts we brougth back from Erie and snacked most of the afternoon away. That evening we headed to church where I played in the bell choir, Jon sang with the chancel choir and Jesse 'led' the percussion section with Tom on the bell number.  He played tamborine and the magical sounding chime.  He did a great sounded great!

Tying up loose ends (or rather taping them up) that evening, we wrapped up the evening in preparation for a festive Christmas morning.  It was exciting and filled with lots of good stuff.  The boys were surprised with their big gifts.  Eric got a bed set for his 'new' room (and learned he gets to move and no longer have to share his room with Jesse).  An iPod Touch was the biggest surprise to Jesse who can now join in the text mayhem and is already quite addicted to and loving it.  We had a nice breakfast and Grandma and Grandpa headed up in the early afternoon. 

We spent the rest of the day hanging out together being pretty lazy.  We played a game, ate more snacks, played with more toys and watched a few episodes of House together.  It is nice to slow down and operate without an agenda.  One more day off and my routine starts up again, but the boys will get a few more days to leisurely enjoy some time off together.

More gift getting

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